CMR consignment note

How do you fill out a CMR consignment note on the Contenera-platform? We have created a step-by-step guide explaining how to create CMR consignment notes on our digital platform in no time.

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Step-by-step guide

See how to create a CMR consignment note in just 6 simple steps:

Skærmbillede der illustrerer første skridt i udfyldelsen af et CMR fragtbrev

Step 1: Choose the shipment your consignment note is attached to

  1. Go to the list of transport bookings on the Clearview Trade-platform. 
  2. Select the current shipment and press the “Create Document” icon on the right under “Actions“. 
Skærmbillede der illustrerer andet skridt i udfyldelsen af et CMR fragtbrev

Step 2: Choose the document type in the list under “Create Document”

  1. Once you have pressed “Create Document“, you will be presented with a list of certificates and documents. Here you need to select “CMR 
Skærmbillede der illustrerer tredje skridt i udfyldelsen af et CMR fragtbrev

Step 3: Check that all the information is correct

  1. Now the application will automatically download all relevant data from the original transport booking to the CMR consignment note.  
  2. If necessary, you can fill in the missing information in the empty boxes. If not, you can now scroll down to the bottom of the document. 
Skærmbillede der illustrerer fjerde skridt i udfyldelsen af et CMR fragtbrev

Step 4: Preview, save, print or change format

When all information is correct, you have the following options:

  1. You can print the document in either English or Danish. You will find the different printing options in the bottom left corner.  
  2. You can save and close the document. You will find the “Save” and “Save and Close” buttons at the bottom right corner. 
Skærmbillede der illustrerer femte skridt i udfyldelsen af et CMR fragtbrev

Step 5: Find the consignment note in the list of transport bookings

When you return to the list of transport bookings, you will now be able to find the CMR consignment note. To view it, click on the “Documents Manager” icon to the right of the selected shipment.

Skærmbillede der illustrerer sjette skridt i udfyldelsen af et CMR fragtbrev

Step 6: Invite customers onto the platform

Remember to invite customers or business partners to view the relevant documents. That way, they can easily access the CMR consignment note and acknowledge it when they receive the shipment. You can always keep an eye on the status of the shipment in the list of transport bookings. 

If you have not already shared the document with customers, you can do so by following these steps:

  1. Find the relevant shipment and click on the “” symbol on the right under “Actions“.  
  2. Click on the “Send Invitation” symbol in the drop-down menu and give your customers the necessary access.

Links for further information

Do you need more information about CMR consignment notes? We have a lot of information on our website that can make you a true expert on the subject. The links below will take you to our certificate page, dictionary and FAQ. Click on the three links and learn more about CMR consignment notes:

Certificates and documents

The Contenera dictionary


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