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We’ve collected all the questions our customers have asked us over the years – and hopefully this will help you answer any questions you might have.

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Health Certificate
As an exporter of food and animal products, you are responsible for complying with the conditions required by the recipient country. A completed and validated health certificate is the exporter’s proof that all the conditions have been met.
A health certificate must be used when the transport includes food and animal products and when the transport crosses national borders.
Many categories of goods are covered by a health certificate. These include foodstuffs, consignments of certain live animals, breeding material (semen, ova/embryos), animal by-products, feed, etc.
Are you an exporter or importer in doubt whether a given consignment needs a health certificate? Visit the Danish Food Administration’s website to find out more about health certificates and contact the Administration directly.
A health certificate is used for the import and export of food and animal (by-)products. The health certificate is used to confirm that the conditions for import and export have been met.
A veterinary certificate is used for the import and export of live animals. The certificate is used in many contexts. If a family wants to take their dog on holiday to another country, they need to obtain a veterinary certificate, which confirms that the dog has had the necessary vaccinations, etc. When a farmer is importing or exporting pigs across borders, he/she must also have a veterinary certificate. The certificate contains information such as: Animal species, sex, breed, age, ear tag, weight, etc.
No, you must have a subscription to the Contenera-platform to create health certificates. If you are interested in finding out how much it costs to get started creating health certificates on the platform, please visit our pricing page or contact our sales department.
We do not issue health certificates. You can create all your health certificates digitally on our platform, but they must be signed and stamped by the Danish Food Administration before they are valid. Our printing service is located next to the Danish Food Administration in Vejen, and they can help you get your health certificates approved if you are connected to the Administration’s office in Vejen.
Certificate of Origin
A certificate of origin is issued to document the origin of exported goods, for example to show whether the goods are of Danish- or EU origin. Certificates are issued so the importing company can tell the precise origin of the products because the importing country’s authorities require this. This is only relevant for countries that are outside the EU’s free trade agreement.
When exporting to countries outside the EU, the recipient can require a certificate of origin to be attached.
Many different product groups are covered by certificates of origin. These can be food, textiles, furniture, etc. If the goods are produced within the EU and are going to be exported out of the EU, a certificate of origin is typically required – regardless of the type of goods.
A digital certificate of origin has the same characteristics as a physical certificate of origin. The digital certificate is completed-, sent- and validated electronically. When you complete a certificate of origin on our platform, it is sent digitally to your Chamber of Commerce, who sign- and stamp it digitally. After approval, the certificate is sent back to you via the platform. The process is much faster than the physical alternative, and certificates can even be filled out automatically on the platform.
The list of countries that accept the digital certificate of origin is long. There are now only a small handful of countries who, for various reasons, do not accept the digital certificate. If a country does not accept digital certificates of origin, they typically require an apostille or embassy stamp to be attached to the certificate. If you are in a situation where you need to legalize your certificates, our partners at CIBT are always ready to help you.
Yes, you can create certificates of origin without having a subscription to the ClearView Trade-platform. You pay a transaction fee each time you create a certificate of origin, but it does not necessarily require a subscription. If you want access to more features, you will need a subscription.
We do not issue certificates of origin. You can create all your physical- and digital certificates of origin on our platform, but the certificates are not valid until they are signed- and stamped by a Chamber of Commerce. We cooperate with the Danish Chambers of Commerce, and you can therefore send your certificates directly to the chambers from our platform. The Chambers of Commerce can validate the certificates of origin digitally so you don’t have to transport the certificates back and forth to their offices.
EUR.1 is a commodity certificate issued by the authorities of the exporting country. The certificate is used to document where a product comes from. In Denmark, EUR.1-certificates are issued by the Danish Customs and Tax Administration. Certain conditions must be met before an EUR.1 certificate can be issued:
- The export must be secured and must be documented with a Movement Reference Number on an export declaration.
- The goods must comply with the rules of origin of the relevant free trade agreement.
- The company must be able to prove the preferential origin of the goods to the Danish Customs and Tax Administration.
- The goods must be either wholly obtained or sufficiently worked or processed within the meaning of the relevant Free Trade Agreement.
The EUR.1-certificate is used when goods are exported to certain countries outside the EU, in cases where the goods can obtain origin under a preferential agreement.
No, you must have a subscription to the Contenera-platform to create EUR.1-certificates. If you are interested in getting started with EUR.1-certificates, please visit our pricing page or contact our sales department.
We do not issue EUR.1-certificates. You can create and complete all your applications for EUR.1-certificates on our platform, but the certificate must be approved and issued by Customs before it is valid.
An A.TR.-certificate is a document used for customs purposes between EU countries and Turkey. A.TR. is an abbreviation for “admission temporaire roulette”. When an A.TR.-certificate is issued on certain goods, these goods benefit from tariff preferences. This means that customs duties become cheaper and in some cases non-existent. A.TR. certification is a special customs agreement between the EU and Turkey. The agreement is not based on the origin of the goods. On the other hand, the certificate testifies that a particular product has undergone A.TR. approval and is now in free circulation.
An A.TR.-certificate is never strictly required, but it can be very useful when sending goods between Turkey and an EU country. The certificate avoids certain customs obligations, making it essential for most import- or export businesses.
To qualify for A.TR. certification, the goods in question must be circulating in either Turkey or an EU country. The certificate covers the following categories:
- Industrial products
- Agricultural products
- ECSC (European Coal and Steel Community) products
No, you must have a subscription to the ClearView Trade-platform in order to create A.TR.-certificates. If you are interested in finding out how much it costs to get started creating A.TR.-certificates on the platform, please visit our pricing page or contact our sales department.
We do not issue A.TR.-certificates. You can create- and complete all your applications for A.TR.-certificates on our platform, but the certificate must be approved by Customs before it is valid.
An ATA-Carnet is a customs document that replaces import- and export documents in countries participating in the arrangement. The document also includes a guarantee for customs duties and taxes. Over 70 countries accept an ATA-Carnet, including countries in Europe, Asia, Australia and North America. It is important to point out that the ATA–Carnet arrangement is based on an international agreement to allow goods to be imported temporarily into another country, for up to 1 year. The goods that have been imported must be brought back to the country of origin before the validity period expires.
When you bring goods into a country temporarily, you need an ATA-Carnet. This means that the carnet is used when you import goods that you plan to re-export. For example, if a carpenter is going to another country to do some work, he will need a carnet if he wants to avoid paying customs duty on the tools he is importing. The carnet allows the tools to enter duty-free, as long as they are carried out again.
As an exporter, an ATA-Carnet makes your life much easier. You avoid paying duties and taxes in both importing- and transit countries, and you also avoid:
- Annoying customs procedures (as you have one unified customs document).
- Having to provide security.
- Having to handle many different currencies.
- Waiting time.
- Export and import formalities in the EU.
An ATA-Carnet covers virtually all non-food items. Examples include audio and lighting equipment, cameras, vehicles, clothing, sports equipment, musical instruments, tools, etc.
Yes, you can create ATA-Carnets without having a subscription to the Contenera-platform. You pay a transaction fee each time you create an ATA-Carnet, but it does not necessarily require a subscription. If you want access to more features, you will need a subscription.
We do not issue the ATA-Carnets. You can create and complete all your ATA-Carnets on our platform, but the Carnets must be approved by a Chamber of Commerce before they are valid. We cooperate with the Danish Chambers of Commerce, which means that you can send your Carnets to the Chambers directly from the platform.
CMR consignment note
A CMR consignment note is based on the CMR-Act. The CMR-Act sets out the rules for ownership and liability in the carriage of goods by road. Therefore, the CMR itself is not a document, but rather the name of an international agreement. A CMR consignment note establishes the law in the context of cooperation between a trading company and a transport company. When both parties sign the document, they also agree to abide by the terms of the agreement.
A CMR consignment note is the standard contract for freight and transport in Europe. In addition, several countries in Africa, the Middle East and Central Asia are also part of the agreement. If your company transports goods by road in one of the countries that are part of the CMR agreement, it is necessary to complete a CMR consignment note. Among other things, this ensures that:
- The carrier cannot refuse or cancel your transport
- More legal protection in the event of damage to the goods
No, you must have a subscription to the Contenera-platform to create CMR consignment notes. If you are interested in finding out how much it costs to get started creating CMR consignment notes, please visit our pricing page or contact our sales department.
A CMR consignment note covers all goods transported by road within the countries that are part of the CMR agreement. However, it is important to ensure that your company fills out the CMR consignment note correctly. If the document is not filled out correctly, you risk that your goods are not adequately covered under the legislation.
Certificate of Free Sale
A Certificate of Free Sale is used for the import- and export of cosmetic products, pesticides, medical devices, etc. A customer can always demand to see a Certificate of Free Sale if the goods have EU/authority approval. The purpose of the certificate is to prove that the product in question is approved/circulated in the country of the manufacturer.
A Certificate of Free Sale must be used when exporting cosmetic products, medical devices and biocides/pesticides that are EU-approved. If you import– and export non-approved goods, you can ask your chamber of commerce for an endorsement of your export certificates.
The Certificate of Free Sale covers a range of EU-approved goods. These are goods such as cosmetic mixtures, biocides, pesticides, medical products etc.
No, you must have a subscription to the Contenera-platform in order to create Certificates of Free Sale. If you are interested in finding out how much it costs to get started creating Certificates of Free Sale, please visit our pricing page or contact our sales department.
We do not issue Certificates of Free Sale. You can create and complete all your applications for Certificates of Free Sale on our platform, but the certificate must be approved and issued by the Danish Environmental Protection Agency, the Danish Medicines Agency or the Danish Food Administration (depending on the product) before it is valid.
EMCS & e-Export
EMCS stands for “Excise Movement and Control System” and is an international system used for the import and export of wine, beer, spirits, tobacco and certain petroleum products. The system is used to record the movement of the aforementioned goods within the EU. EMCS can be accessed from the Danish Customs and Tax Administration’s website. You can read more about EMCS here.
The use of EMCS is mandatory for businesses importing- and exporting wine, beer, spirits, tobacco and certain petroleum products. EMCS must be used when goods are moved between two EU countries. EMCS can be accessed from the Danish Customs and Tax Administration’s website. You can read more about EMCS here.
Yes, you can access EMCS directly from our platform. The Contenera-platform is integrated with EMCS, which means you can make your declarations along with your other export processes. That way you don’t have to jump around in different systems. Visit our guide and see how to access EMCS on the platform.
E-Export is a digital system developed by the Danish Customs and Tax Administration. The system is used to declare goods for export. When goods are exported from the EU, they must be registered in e-Export. This enables the authorities to keep track of Danish exports out of the EU. To use e-Export, companies must apply for a permit on the Danish Customs and Tax Administration’s website. You can read more about e-Export here.
E-Export is used to declare goods for export. When goods are exported from the EU, they must be registered in e-Export. A company must have an approved authorization from the Danish Customs and Tax Administration to use e-Export. The authorization is applied for on the Danish Customs and Tax Administration’s website. You can read more about e-Export here.
Yes, you can make e-Export declarations on our digital platform. The Contenera-platform is integrated with the Danish Customs and Tax administration’s e-Export, and you can therefore access the system directly from our platform. This way you don’t have to switch back and forth between different systems. Visit our guide and see how to access e-Export on the platform.
No, you need a subscription to access EMCS and e-Export via the Contenera-platform. If you are interested in getting started with EMCS and e-Export, please visit our pricing page or contact our sales department.
Transport booking
Yes! You can book all your transport directly on the ClearView Trade-platform. Once you have created your certificates, customs declarations, etc., you can proceed directly to booking your transport. You can book transport for different shipments and with different companies. When you book transport on the platform, you don’t have to switch to the freight companies’ systems to book the freight. You also get a single overview of all your shipments when they’re all on one platform.
Yes, you can book with many different freight companies directly on the platform. You can book freight with all known carriers and you can use different carriers for different shipments.
Yes, we have a Track & Trace feature on the ClearView Trade-platform that makes it easy for you to track your shipments. It also makes it easy to keep customers updated so they know when the shipment arrives.
No, you need a subscription to book transport on the ClearView Trade-platform. If you’re interested in finding out how much it costs to get started booking transport on the platform, please visit our pricing page or contact our sales department.
Other questions
You can check the status of your documents on the ClearView Trade-platform, where you have an overview of your actions. This way you are never in doubt about the status of your documents and certificates.
It usually takes between 1 and 3 hours to get a document/certificate signed and stamped.
Yes, you can get a free demonstration of the platform’s features by contacting our Customer Success department by email: support@clearviewtrade.com or by phone: +45 53 52 52 28. The presentation is held together with our Customer Success staff and is always based on your specific needs.
You can start using the platform within a few hours. All you need is to set up your business on the platform. If you order an ERP-integration, it will take approximately 2-3 weeks for the integration to be completed.
Yes, your data is always completely safe when it’s on the platform. Protecting people’s personal data is very important to us, so we’ve updated our processes and policies to comply with the EU’s Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).
Yes, you can choose whether you want to work in Danish or English when using the platform. The platform is based on your browser’s language settings, so if you set your browser to English, the language on the platform will automatically change to English. We have many customers with offices- and employees spread around the world, so we know how important it is to be able to accommodate both Danish- and English-speaking users.
Yes, you can invite all your customers onto the platform. When you invite your customers to the platform, they can see all the documents you give them access to. This strengthens the collaboration between company and customer and increases transparency in the export process.
Yes, you can have as many active users as you need. Many companies have several employees handling export certificates, for example, and we know that it’s important to be able to have all employees on one system. That’s why you can create multiple users under the same company, and you can also give users different roles on the platform so they can access different functions.
You can always contact our support department if you have any questions. You can contact support by email: support@contenera.com or by phone: +45 53 52 52 28.
Can we help you make your export processes easier?
You are welcome to have a no-obligation consultation with one of our specialists.
We’ll look – together with you – at how digitization can eliminate manual processes, reduce errors and create a great overview of all your shipments and better compliance.
A surprising number of processes can be automated today, making life easier for you and your customers.