Automate export processes and save precious time

Digitise your export process, reduce manual processes, eliminate errors and create an overview.

We’ve gathered everything you need in one export platform. Here you work with all types of export documents and certificates (especially within food products), transport booking, customs reporting to authorities, etc.

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Optimizing flows makes it possible to use time smarter

What industry are you from?

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Lorem Ipsum

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.

Lorem Ipsum

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.


Make sure your food goods are shipped on time – every time. Automation handles your health certificates for you.


Automate your health certificates and make sure that you never miss a deadline.


Do you have many small shipments that are difficult to manage? Gather all your shipments in one place.

Other industries

Automate your document handling, optimize your transport and much more.

More than 3,500 happy companies have had an easier everyday life

Smart export companies have minimized errors and eliminated time-consuming manual processes and tons of paper and Co2. Experience some of the many customer cases when they talk about the use of the platform that has facilitated their workflows and made the process manageable.
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Take full advantage of the platform

Reduce errors by +50%

Studies of more than 18.000 certificates speak for themselves: When you go from manual to digital, you can reduce the error rate by +50%. The main reason is that when data is re-used instead of re-entered, the likelihood of errors decreases significantly! 

Reducer fejl - Contenera

Reducér fejl med 50%

Undersøgelser af mere end 18.000 certifikater taler sit eget tydelige sprog: Når du går fra manuelt til digitalt, kan du reducere fejlraten med +50%. Den primære årsag er, at når data genbruges i stedet for genindtastes, falder sandsynligheden for fejl markant!

Approved certificates in just 1 hour

In most exporting companies, speed is of the essence. If you create physical documents and certificates, you often have to wait days to get them back from Chambers of Commerce and other stakeholders via the post. 

If you choose the fast digital alternative, you typically have them back on the platform within an hour. Here you can also share them with your colleagues and business partners straight away. 

Godkendte dokumenter på 1 time

I de fleste eksportvirksomheder er hastigheden afgørende. Opretter du fysiske dokumenter og certifikater, skal du ofte vente i dagevis på at få dem retur fra handelskamrene og andre aktører via posten.

Vælger du i stedet det hurtige digitale alternativ, har du dem typisk retur i platformen blot en time efter. Og så her kan du dele dem med dine kolleger og samarbejdspartnere med det samme.

Raise the well-being among employees

Happy employees are more productive. You help them on their way by making their work easier by eliminating manual processes and reducing the likelihood of them making mistakes with big financial consequences for the company. Digital documents and automation are a big step in that direction. 

Skab bedre trivsel - Contenera

Skab større trivsel

Glade medarbejdere er mere produktive. Du hjælper dem på vej ved at gøre deres arbejde nemmere ved at fjerne manuelle processer og reducere sandsynligheden for at de laver fejl med store økonomiske konsekvenser til følge for virksomheden. Digitale dokumenter og automatisering er et stort skridt i den retning.

Reduce vulnerability

Employees are your most important resource. This can make you vulnerable in the event of holidays, illness, job changes, etc. We can never replace good employees, but we can reduce your vulnerability by using automation, templates, supporting standard operating procedures and working in teams.

Nedsæt sårbarhed

Medarbejderne er din vigtigste ressource. Det kan gøre dig sårbar i tilfælde af ferie, sygdom, jobskifte osv. Vi kan aldrig erstatte gode medarbejdere, men vi kan nedsætte din sårbarhed ved hjælp af automatisering, skabeloner, understøttelse af standard operating procedure og arbejde i teams.

Automate and optimize

Manual double work is a time-consuming distraction. Automate your export processes to free up resources for value-adding activities that grow your business.

Automatisér og optimér

Manuelt dobbeltarbejde er en fordummende tidsrøver. Automatisér dine eksportprocesser, så du får frigivet ressourcer til værdiskabende aktiviteter, der vækster din forretning.

Sustainable export

More and more companies are prioritizing sustainability and the environment. Not least the goal of reducing- or becoming CO2-neutral. When you use the platform, you reduce both paper- and transport consumption. To the benefit of the planet, your customers and your employees – including future skilled colleagues… 

Mere bæredygtig eksport

Flere og flere virksomheder prioriterer bæredygtighed og miljø. Ikke mindst målet om at reducere eller blive Co2-neutrale. Når du bruger platformen, reducerer du både papir- og transportforbrug. Til glæde for planeten, dine kunder og dine medarbejdere – også de kommende dygtige kollegaer…

Errors and changes in certificates are expensive

Mand der tager sig til hovedet og ser frustreret ud
Although many companies today have a zero-defect culture, analytics tell a different story. We have reviewed 18,000 certificates and have documented how digitization reduces the error rate from 11.4% to 5%. A mistake typically costs DKK 500,000 in excess alone. Add to that lost orders, extra transport costs, destroyed goods and – not least – a highly dissatisfied customer who does not receive his goods… See how you can reduce errors in your export flow.

Gather your export processes in one simplified workflow

Transport booking

Book transport without hidden costs - view status, manage shipments online and invite partners to the platform.

Printing Service

Break up with your courier and get rid of the need to ship certificates to the Danish Food Administration’s office. Wave goodbye to manual handling of your certificates.

Health Certificate

Automatically generated health certificates - ready to use within 1 hour. As simple as can be said.


Your customs duties are reported automatically thanks to automation and our direct integration with the Danish Customs and Tax administration.


Avoid filling out a single certificate manually when you get an integration between our platform and your ERP-system.

Certificate of Origin

Digital certificates of origin are produced in record time on our platform. In fact, you can create a certificate in the time it takes to read this subpage.

Can we help make your export processes easier?

Feel free to sign up for a sparring session with one of our specialists – completely free of charge. They can also give you a guided tour of the platform. 

We’ll take a look – along with you – at how digitization can help eliminate your manual processes, reduce errors and create a fantastic overview of all your shipments. For the benefit of you, your colleagues and your partners (who can also access the platform).

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